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Quick news summaries for the podcast (Ep. 322)

Writer's picture: Humboldt Last WeekHumboldt Last Week

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Cops want to arrest the suspect who admitted to stealing a pride flag from the courthouse in Eureka. Officers saw the theft on video and IDed the suspect with a license plate reader. A probation search involved the suspect admitting to stealing the flag and now the DA is considering their suggested charges. Eureka’s top cop called the theft of the pride flag absolutely unacceptable and said there’s no place in Humboldt for hate. *** RHBB

A new 10-bed mental health facility is set to open in Eureka in August.

It’ll provide care for people such as those transitioning from lockdown treatment at Sempervirens in Eureka, and help with the local backlog of people needing such treatment. Hyperion looks to offer about a month of care while trying to link folks with better outcomes when they leave. *** TS / Loco

A woman says she was injured while protecting a teen from a group of bullies in Arcata. She says she and her husband rushed to help only to be met with aggression while the perps recorded the events on their phones. It’s said other witnesses failed to intervene. Police are investigating and seeking the footage. *** Loco

Fortuna cops are investigating the attempted kidnapping of two girls walking near the hospital. The suspect was reported as a white man in his 60s with gray hair driving an older brown and tan truck. They say he ordered them into his truck and chased them on foot before they fled to a local business. *** RHBB [maybe some stings similar to this scenario are in order to catch predators]

A senior citizen survived a solo plane crash in the Loleta area. It was at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge where responders found the small plane upside down. The 67-year-old pilot reportedly lost power after departing from Eureka and the soft marsh caused the plane to flip. But he was surprisingly unscathed physically. *** RHBB

A report criticized Eureka City Schools’ sale of a property. The Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury believes their sale of the Jacobs Middle School site was secretive, hastily approved, and didn’t allow the public to verify the mysterious developer’s intentions. Reporters have wondered if this property sale is tied to a housing versus parking dispute in Eureka. *** NCJ

In November Eureka voters can weigh on on that housing versus parking dispute. The oddly titled “Housing for All…” initiative looks to stop housing development on city-owned downtown parking lots. Currently, city officials are working on how that ballot item will be worded. *** Loco

Eureka received a $15 million grant toward three affordable apartment projects. With plans to turn city parking lots into housing, the project still needs additional funding beyond this grant. It’s possible the efforts won’t be thwarted by the oddly-titled pro-parking "Housing For All” measure set for Eureka’s November ballot. If things proceed as planned, construction could begin as early as 2025. *** TS

A veteran wounded in the Iraq war learned he was getting a free house in Fortuna on Mike Huckabee’s TV show. Jacob Williams, who lost his hand in combat, and his wife Meredith were given the house through a program called Home4WoundedHeroes, which has gifted over 400 homes nationwide. It was in February when Williams and his wife were on TV with Huckabee, the former Arkansas Governor and two-time GOP presidential candidate. *** Loco

Undamming the Eel River for fish is sparking criticism over water diversion plans. While undamming could improve fish populations, the subject has heated up around plans to continue to divert water from the Eel River to the Russian River in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. Concerns are being raised regarding water rights for Humboldt County and feared delays to begin undamming the Eel by 2028. PG&E says the undamming timeline is still on track and project proponents say water would only be diverted seasonally during high flows. *** RHBB / TS

Ferndale export Guy Fieri shared about his first Father’s Day without his dad. The celebrity chef juxtaposed the tough day with agreeing to be a godfather to a friend’s daughter. Jim Ferry lived over 81 years and was a popular Ferndale fixture since 1970, known with his wife Penny for starting Abraxas Leather Shop and for keeping their Ferndale home while popping back and forth from Santa Rosa. Locally Jim had a hand in improving and saving several buildings and businesses in Ferndale as well as the town’s public restrooms. Guy Fieri’s philanthropy didn’t fall too far from the tree. *** People

A letter writer is hopeful we can keep pedestrian and bike paths clear. On behalf of people with disabilities (and really everyone), she’s saying it would be awesome if our Humboldt paths and sidewalks were clear of cars, plants, tree limbs, signs, random stuff, mailboxes, you name it. *** Loco letter

Greyhound is reportedly ending its service between Arcata and San Francisco. However, it’s said Amtrak will keep up a similar route and a new service via Humboldt Transit provides travelers an economic route between Del Norte and the Bay Area. *** CRTP

A mama bear and her cub had to be rescued from a tree near Pierson’s in south Eureka. Responders tranquilized them and relocated them to a forested area on BLM land out 299. They’re fine. *** RHBB

Cal Poly Humboldt men's basketball added a 6’6” D1 transfer. After a disappointing 6-21 season, the Jacks have signed Kyle Frelow from Cal State Northridge, adding experience and physicality. *** TS [Last season Cal Poly Humboldt women's basketball fared better at 12-14. It is Crabs baseball season now, but we’ll be able to find similar and great energy with Jack basketball at the end of the year.]

Cal Poly Humboldt export Alex Cappa is the current king of offensive NFL snaps. The Bengals lineman who also played for the Bucs was in on 4,406 offensive plays over four seasons, reportedly making him the NFL’s top offensive worker. Alex, who used to work for the Humboldt Crabs baseball team, has continued to give shout-outs to the Cal Poly Humboldt weight room in Arcata as well as local strength coach Drew Petersen. *** HumboldtSports

Eureka’s final and seventh Eureka Street Art Festival will happen in late July and early August. Expect new murals at the Eureka Theater, Clarke Museum, and Eureka Municipal Auditorium, plus giant ceramic banana slugs adorning walls throughout the city. The festival has added over 100 murals to Eureka. Organizers said this will be the final year “at least for now.”  *** RHBB

The horror ‘Trim Season’ has local nods and a fresh rating from critics. The film stars Alex Essoe of ‘Midnight Mass’ fame and Bex Taylor-Klaus from TV version of ‘Scream’ among others. The plot follows city people facing terror on a local secluded marijuana farm. As The Hollywood Reporter noted, ‘Trim Season’ is loosely inspired by an interpretation of events here in Humboldt County. *** Trailer / RT


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